In the beginning of the is story, Malala and the Jews are going through discrimination while the africans are going through the same thing. At this time, there was a great wear the taliban had started. At the the same time, the africans were going through slavery.
In where Malala lived, the taliban thought that everything was a crime. Such as the radio, watching tv, girls not allowed to go to school, women are not allowed to go outside without a man and even women aren’t allowed to show their face can’t show in public. But Malala hated those rules. She wanted to go to school, wear nothing on her face, watch tv, and listening to the radio. In May 2007, he signed a peace agreement with the government, saying that he would stop his campaign against polio vaccinations and girls’ education, as well as his attacks against government property, and the government would allow him to continue his broadcasts. I think these are foolish rule because girls need education to learn about the world and that so they can help themselves in life. THey need to stop the horrible broadcast, and especially stop the fighting and the wars.
For the Africans they had gone through the same thing. They have gone through discrimination and slavery. They were also threatened and treated poorly, that is what Malala and the Jews had gone through. They were beaten to death, if the didn’t follow the simple rule, or didn’t do as they were told, or even killed. Malala and the jews were killed or beaten. I think this is terrifying because they were killed or beaten of just one, little, and simple rule.
All of these things are terrifying and scary. I am glad that malala has stood up for all of the Jews and her. With her all of this has changed since that has happened.